14 weeks!

Can you believe I am 14 weeks pregnant??? I can’t!!! I wanted these babies so bad for so long I cannot believe they are on their way. Honestly it hasn’t fully hit me. I try to shop for ‘the big stuff’ since we don’t know the genders yet but I have no idea what I’m doing. Like no idea. I honestly feel like I need a PhD in how to buy baby crap. You think I’m joking? I’m not. I currently have one high chair and one baby swing. Maybe we can survive with just that???? Probably not.

We met our new OBGYN this past Friday and we really really liked him. Deciding which doctor to use was huge for me and super difficult. I ended up picking this one because he monitors your weight really well (for those of you who don’t know pre-IVF I was a big runner and gym rat) so I don’t want to completely let myself go. He is also known for being a very good surgeon and I feel pretty certain we’ll have a c-section. He did tell us the latest he’ll let me go is August 7th!!!! So that’s exciting. Another exciting tidbit is we scheduled our gender scan for March 6th so we’ll find out March 7th with our family and a couple close friends!!! Maybe it’ll all feel real after that!

I am still sick. Zofran is my new bestie! I also had a stomach bug last week so it was rough. Currently my ‘morning sickness’ happens after supper. I get to taste my supper twice multiple times a week…yummy! Tonight I took my zofran BEFORE supper so no vomiting but extreme exhaustion!!

Anyways the latest heartbeat scans showed Baby A: 157 and Baby B: 159! They seem to be close together! Baby A is a bully and kept hitting Baby B in the head during the ultrasound. Poor little thing! Here are our latest ultrasound pictures(if my phone will let me upload them)!!! Enjoy lovelies! Please continue to remember us and our babies in prayer as they grow and develop.




  1. rayplaag02 · February 19, 2015

    Aw hello babies. I’m so glad to see you xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • connbabymaybe · February 20, 2015

      Aren’t they precious??? They are actually starting to look like little humans!!! 😍😍😍

      Liked by 1 person

  2. With Love... Andrea · February 20, 2015

    I was so worried about gaining weight as well. I still do crossfit and am very active during my pregnancy but my weight keeps piling on. I was so worried about it early during my pregnancy but now at 35 weeks I have finally accepted it. Please don’t let it stress you out too much. I’m sure after the babies you will get back to your routine and back to shape!! That’s my goal. My number one priority during pregnancy was to enjoy and make sure I wasn’t depriving my little girl.



    • connbabymaybe · February 20, 2015

      It’s hard not to stress out about weight. I gained 3 lbs but after watching my sodium for the past week I’ve lost all of it. I’m sure I’ll gain plenty over the next 26 weeks!


  3. With Love... Andrea · February 21, 2015

    Thats interesting. I wonder if sodium has been making me retain more fluids. I have 5 more weeks then hopefully I keep seeing my weight going the other way!! I’ve almost gained 40 lbs already….I had a breakdown half way through but have finally learned to accept it. I used to weight myself every day and now I just wait to do it at the doctors or I get too depressed. I found out Jessica Alba gained 45 lbs and it made me feel slightly better about myself.


    • connbabymaybe · February 22, 2015

      My doctor’s nurses said they can always tell which patients are his bc they have the least amount of swelling so your sodium intake may be the key to getting rid of some of that. He wants me to gain 25 lbs and I was like umm I have two babies in there. Ha! I weigh every day it’s quite an obsession. Hey if Jessica Alba gained that much then I don’t feel bad gaining some! It’s just hard to see myself with a stomach.


      • With Love... Andrea · February 22, 2015

        Wow 25lbs with 2 thats crazy!! Good luck with that!!! hehe YEs its very hard to see the weight come on. I was just like you my first 2 trimesters…and the weight kept coming on. I never had morning sickness so I gained in the first trimester also. Now that I’m about to enter my last month its crazy to look at myself in the mirror….I’m huge Everywhere. But I’m trying to remember how much of a blessing it is and how special it is to have this bond with the little one growing inside me. One more month until i can start getting my body and face back!! hehe I can’t wait to follow you with your journey. My doctor told me she had some patients who dieted pregnant and gained a lot and others that ate everything and gained nothing…so sometimes its also how your body reacts to pregnancy as well. I’m curious how long it will take me to get back my pre-pregnancy shape. I’ll keep you posted so maybe that will keep your mind at ease while you are in your final stages of pregnancy!!

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      • connbabymaybe · February 22, 2015

        Oh yes I will enjoy watching you lose the weight! It’ll be very encouraging! I have no idea how my body will react. My mom always went back to being really small until she had me (baby number 4) so that’s a little encouraging! I can’t believe you are only one month away! I’m so jealous!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Praise God for a healthy mommy and healthy babies!! Keep us updated- I can’t wait for the gender reveal! Xx

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  5. kleighann · February 28, 2015

    So happy for you! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Melanie Rose Killick · March 5, 2015

    Beautiful, special news! My son Seamus is my miracle baby. I went through over two years of treatment for breast cancer and was told I was infertile. However, my heart told me that I would have a son. I had known it for years. I conceived naturally at age 39, against all the odds. What the heart wants, the heart gets, right! Pls stop in and read my letters to Seamus. He is almost two and a half now! I’ll be following your story and sending love for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Melanie x http://dearseamus.com/the-first-letter

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