Pink or blue??

Last week we had our 16 week gender scan!!! Ty and I decided ahead of time we weren’t going to find out until the gender reveal party last Saturday.  The ultrasound tech politely let us look at the babies and hear their heartbeats before turning off the tv so she could look for their gender.

Baby A was quick and easy.  I couldn’t believe she already knew what A was when she said she was starting to look for Baby B.  Baby B was a stinker and a half! It hid behind my belly button and kept its legs closed tightly.  The tech jiggled my belly and had to me go to the bathroom then she tried again.  It felt like it took 20 minutes for her to see Baby B.  She printed off the pictures and sweetly put the genders in an envelope.

We then took said envelope to my sister’s mother in law to make the cakes! I did not want anybody in our immediate families to know the genders before we cut into the cakes.  Needless to say we didn’t sleep very much Friday night anxiously waiting for the party! Tyler’s family got to come all the way from Illinois to attend!  We kept it small with our families and a few close friends.  The party didn’t start until 5 pm so I told everybody to be there by 5:15 or they would miss the reveal!

Ty and I had it all planned out that I would cut Baby A and we’d celebrate, then he would cut Baby B and we would celebrate again.  So….What are the Conn twins????

Baby A is a sweet little BOY!! Maks Ryan Conn!!!!


Baby B is a precious little GIRL!!!!  Laci Pearl Conn!!!!!!

We could NOT be more excited!!!

Now for an overview of pregnancy thus far….

I have been sick sick sick! It was to the point I was throwing up supper every night, but I started taking zofran 30 minutes before I ate so that got a lot better.  This past week I threw up breakfast 2 mornings.  I think my organs are all out of place and throwing a fit since the babies are taking up so much room.

Yesterday we went to the doctor for our 17 week appointment.  He measured my uterus which typically is the same number of weeks you are in centimeters so 17 weeks equals 17 centimeters.  Not so much for twins.  My uterus is already 23 centimeters and the top of it is less than an inch from my xiphoid process! No wonder it is becoming increasingly more difficult to take a deep breath!  We are working on scheduling an appointment with a maternal fetal medicine specialist.  He will do some type of in depth ultrasound.  Our OB recommended this because we have twins and they are IVF twins.  I don’t really understand why that makes a difference anymore.  I mean I’d understand taking extra precautions in the first trimester since we did IVF, but clearly they are implanted now.  Oh well.  I am excited and nervous to see what his ultrasound shows.  This will also count for our anatomy scan and chromosome/genetic evaluation.

The doctor mentioned yesterday that once we get to 28 weeks all bets are off and the twins can come whenever they want.  Um…slight panic attack! That is only 11 weeks away! We currently have one outfit for each baby, one pair of socks for each, a swing, a bath, and a highchair.  We have a lot of stuff to get in a short amount of time.  Oh well we can do it!

Unrelated to the babies…mine and Ty’s anniversary is this next week.  We’ll have been married two whole years.  Haha! Not that long, but it’s still been a roller coaster to say the least.

Anyways I hope each of you are doing well.  Please know I think and pray for you all often.  I know the pain and struggles you are all going through and I hope one day soon you will be where I am today.

14 weeks!

Can you believe I am 14 weeks pregnant??? I can’t!!! I wanted these babies so bad for so long I cannot believe they are on their way. Honestly it hasn’t fully hit me. I try to shop for ‘the big stuff’ since we don’t know the genders yet but I have no idea what I’m doing. Like no idea. I honestly feel like I need a PhD in how to buy baby crap. You think I’m joking? I’m not. I currently have one high chair and one baby swing. Maybe we can survive with just that???? Probably not.

We met our new OBGYN this past Friday and we really really liked him. Deciding which doctor to use was huge for me and super difficult. I ended up picking this one because he monitors your weight really well (for those of you who don’t know pre-IVF I was a big runner and gym rat) so I don’t want to completely let myself go. He is also known for being a very good surgeon and I feel pretty certain we’ll have a c-section. He did tell us the latest he’ll let me go is August 7th!!!! So that’s exciting. Another exciting tidbit is we scheduled our gender scan for March 6th so we’ll find out March 7th with our family and a couple close friends!!! Maybe it’ll all feel real after that!

I am still sick. Zofran is my new bestie! I also had a stomach bug last week so it was rough. Currently my ‘morning sickness’ happens after supper. I get to taste my supper twice multiple times a week…yummy! Tonight I took my zofran BEFORE supper so no vomiting but extreme exhaustion!!

Anyways the latest heartbeat scans showed Baby A: 157 and Baby B: 159! They seem to be close together! Baby A is a bully and kept hitting Baby B in the head during the ultrasound. Poor little thing! Here are our latest ultrasound pictures(if my phone will let me upload them)!!! Enjoy lovelies! Please continue to remember us and our babies in prayer as they grow and develop.



Peace out fertility meds!!!

Things have been busy. I have been exhausted. I have lots of things I want to write about but I haven’t taken the time to do it. Tonight is a special night so tonight I must write a post!!!!! Tonight I took off my estrogen patches and didn’t have to put anymore on!!!!!!! Tonight I did my last crinone suppository!!! I am finished with that disgusting medicine for a LONG time!!!! Hallelujah praise the LORD!!! This also means we are at 11 weeks!!!! What’s up!!!! We are so stinkin’ close to the end of this trimester I cannot handle it!!!!! Cannot wait to see our precious babies in two weeks!!!

Oh that brings me to the other thing I’ve been meaning to write about…. We are Fertility Clinic Graduates!!!!! At least until we decide to have some more babies but let’s not even go there! I have graduated a lot in my life. Graduated High School, graduated college, and graduated graduate school all of which were very exciting but never ever did I feel relief. When we walked out of Fertility Associates of Memphis I felt pure excitement and more relief than I have felt in a LONG time! God has let our babies develop to the point that the specialist doesn’t need to see us anymore! We can be normal! We can go to a normal OB!!!! We are so blessed!!

Sorry for all my excitement. I understand many of you aren’t where we are and I am praying for you guys. I am praying for God’s will to be done in your lives. I am praying yall get your miracles! I also understand if you unfollow my blog because reading about someone being pregnant and having babies may be too difficult. Thanks for the prayers and please continue to lift our Snowflakes up to the Father! May His will be done.

Feeling blah…

We are somewhere between 9 and 10 weeks pregnant!!! Wooohoooo! Although I am very thankful to be pregnant and carrying the twins, my poor body feels blah!!!!! I cannot describe it no matter how hard I try. I want to vomit but I can’t. I am hungry but nothing sounds good and I don’t want to eat. I need to eat more protein but I strongly dislike meat. I’m supposed to gain 1-5 pounds this trimester and I maybe have gained .4. That’s not 100% accurate because weight fluctuates but ya know. I am very bloated which makes me look more pregnant than I am. Oh and I am more tired than I have ever been in my entire life. Ok enough of my whining… The babies are still doing well. We go for our next ultrasound on Wednesday and WE GRADUATE FROM THE FERTILITY CLINIC!!!!! So stinkin’ exciting! Yesterday was 6 months since our first appointment there! It’s been a LONG 6 months!! Phew!! Anyways just wanted to get a little update. Sorry there isn’t much to write these days! Please continue to pray for our babies as they develop and grow! 😘😘

Hello Babies!!!

Yesterday we went to the fertility clinic again to see our Snowflakes!!!!!! These trips are always so awkward. They are filled with an array of emotions. First and foremost I am so excited to see how they’ve grown and developed, but then fear grabs my heart and I am terrified something awful has happened to them. Yesterday I experienced a lot of cramping. It was so severe I made Tyler stop halfway to Memphis to buy me some ginger ale. I’m still not sure what was wrong but the doctor thinks I caught a little bit of a bug. He told me to go on a clear liquid diet for 24 hours. I laughed and said no way. I am not not eating for 24 hours!!!!! He said ok fine do the BRAT diet until diarrhea stops. I am not very good at listening to the doctor, but that’s a different story.
Anyways here’s an update on the babies: Baby A measured in at 8 wks even and had a heartrate of 173. Baby B measured in at 7wks6days with a heartrate of 170! She showed us both babies’ precious little brains!!! They are gonna be smart like their Daddy! Baby A was all spread out and we could see her little arms and legs (yes I’m convinced she is a girl with her momma’s personality). Baby B was in a tight little ball trying to hide from the camera. He is gonna be quiet and shy like his Daddy (yep in my head he is a boy)! They were precious! We asked the doctor about the heartrates indicating sex and he said that’s just bull! The ultrasound nurse said heartrate indicates sex more in the second trimester so we’ll see!!!
On another note we graduate from the fertility clinic on January 21!!!!!! Such a bittersweet time! It means we are all healthy enough to go to a regular OB, but I honestly love these people and it’s just comfortable!!! We scheduled an appointment with an OB here in our town on February 13!!!!! We will be 13 weeks!! Super excited to kiss this first trimester good bye!!! Anyways I hope everyone had a good week. I’ll have a post about the stinkin’ pharmacy company and UPS later, but I’m currently still too worked up to discuss it!!!

Happy New Year…a little late.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you guys are all as excited about 2015 as I am, but before we dive into what it is going to bring let’s reflect on 2014…

2014 was a year full of unexpected events.  My friend Sarah did a post about “Numbers of 2014” and it sparked a little interest in me, so here we go.  These are our “Numbers of 2014”:

6 months battling diagnosed infertility.

18 trips to Memphis

2,988 miles driven to the IVF clinic.

62 injections.

2 surgeries.

3 semen analysis.

Countless sleepless nights.

Too many to count fits of crying/rage.

1 canceled embryo transfer.

1 case of OHSS.

33 eggs retrieved.

25 mature eggs.

18 fertilized through ICSI.

9-5 day blastocysts frozen.

2 frozen embryos transfered.

16 bags of red raspberry leaf tea drank.

11 sleeves of saltines eaten.

2 precious snowflakes arriving August 2015!!!!!!

The Conns A2b

Now to update you all about what 2015 has brought us thus far…


Meet our precious SNOWFLAKES! Baby A and Baby B!

At 6 weeks according to them (7 weeks according to the first day of my last period) Baby A measured in at 6 wks 6 days with a heartbeat of 134.  Baby B measured in at 6 wks 4 days with a heartbeat of 138!!!! The doctor wanted the heartbeats to be between 100-130 so we were super happy with how high they were! We are going back to the doctor on Thursday to see our Snowflakes again!!!!! Oh and our official due date is August 21, 2015!  God is good, all the time!!!!! Please continue to pray for us and our precious Snowflakes! We still have a LONG way to go and we are terrified and super excited!!!!

2 surgeries

Merry Christmas…a little late.

Sorry for such a late post, but I have been crazy busy with family fun! I love Christmas time. I love what it stands for, I love spending time thinking about our Savior’s birth, and I love all the memories we make each year. This year we celebrated Christmas with my in-laws the weekend after Thanksgiving. We actually hosted it at our house and everyone had a great time. Then this week we celebrated with my family. My lucky husband was off all week, but I worked Monday and Tuesday. Actually on Tuesday Tyler’s sister in law gave birth to the first male grandchild on his side of the family! They used a hospital in Memphis so we drove up there to meet the precious angel. He is so adorable and a wonderful gift from God. We cannot wait to spend more time with him!
*Side note: my sister gave birth to a baby girl on December 9th. I can’t remember right now if I’ve mentioned that before or not. Anyways she is adorable and I love her so much!*
Anyways we came back home and went to bed. On Wednesday we went to my hometown to help mom prepare for Christmas. I was actually pretty sick and didn’t get much accomplished. I had a super bad headache and severe nausea. Thursday (actual Christmas Day) we spent preparing the food for our Christmas Eve celebration. We do things a little different to ensure all of us are together when we celebrate. Then Friday morning we woke up and celebrated Christmas as a big family. We had 14 people this year at Christmas and I cannot wait to see how many we have next year!!! Tyler and I go to the doctor on Wednesday to confirm how many snowflakes we have. We currently have an idea, but we are waiting until we get an ultrasound and see the heartbeat(s) before we make any big announcements. 2014 has been an interesting year to say the very least, however we are very blessed and excited to see what 2015 brings! We will hopefully be making an announcement on WEDNESDAY!!!! XOXO!


Even though we are currently pregnant due to our infertility, I have lots of medicines I still have to take. These will continue throughout the first trimester. The one I specifically want to discuss today is my progesterone injection. For those of you who may not know this is an intramuscular shot that goes straight into my backside. My husband gives it to me at 8 o’clock every night. We picked 8 o’clock because we are normally home by that time and I’m typically getting ready for bed. Yes, I go to bed that early! However, since this is a busy time of year here recently we have had to do the injections in awkward and sometimes comical places. For instance:
Last Friday night we went to one of the nicest restaurants in town for Ty’s work Christmas party. We packed up the injection and prepared to use one of the bathrooms. We picked the girls bathroom because let’s be honest guys are nasty! Anyways I couldn’t get people to stop coming in so Ty could come in and give me the shot!! Finally the hostess had to ‘stand guard’ so nobody would walk in!!! Then the next night we went to a wedding and it was injection time! We found a tiny ‘family bathroom’ at the reception with no counter space for mixing! Well right before Ty got on his knee to give me the shot he reached up and latched the door and I kid you not 30 seconds later somebody tried to bust in! Grrrr! Then last night had to be the absolute worst!!!! My family decided to eat at Taco Bell (yuck) after my nieces ballet recital of course it was injection time. So ty and I go in the women’s restroom and there is absolutely no where to sit anything! There was no way I was putting my purse on the floor in there!!! So we balanced the medicine in our hands and got it all mixed. Then Tyler gave me the shot, but when he pulled it out blood came out everywhere. So I am trying to hold the stuff, Tyler had the uncapped shot swinging it around, my pants were down, and blood was running down my backside and dripping on the nasty floor! Instead of grabbing toilet paper, Ty just takes his hand and wipes the blood off my backside. Ugh!! We were both very aggravated at the time, but laughed at the chaos later!
We are so blessed to have the opportunity to be pregnant and to have the medical advances that can help make it a viable pregnancy, but we are ready for this first trimester to be over so these injections can stop!!!! Almost halfway there!!!


So I have been anxiously holding off to write this post, but I can wait no longer…

We’re officially pregnant!!!!!!!!

We went to the doctor early Friday morning (yes we lied about going on December 17, but it was for a good cause)! They took my blood and we headed home.  By the time we got to Trumann I told Tyler I couldn’t wait until that afternoon to know, so I did a home pregnancy test! It was positive and we could hardly contain our excitement! Although I was thrilled, I knew better than to get too excited because that didn’t mean my HCG level was high enough for a viable pregnancy!


Well the nurse called around 2pm on Friday and said they wanted my HCG level to be around 100, but it was 205!!!!! I was super excited! I asked if this indicated how many were in there, but she said we won’t know until we do an ultrasound.  Then she said I needed to come back on Sunday.

We planned to not tell anybody until Sunday after the second test came back, but I had to see my parents on Saturday night and this girl cannot lie to her momma’s face to save her life so…. We went to Wynne to crash my new niece’s newborn/Christmas pictures and broke the news….


We had to let our dog child tell everyone the good news! He’s so precious.

My family was thrilled! We went to the wedding Saturday night then went back to Mom and Dad’s to stay the night.  We got up early Sunday morning and went back to the doctor for our second blood test.  This time the nurse said she wanted our number to double so we were aiming for 410…well my HCG level was 616.9!!! So it appears everything is progressing like it should!

Knowing everything was multiplying like it should, we called the rest of my family and Tyler’s!!!  We told a few friends, but we kept up the lie that we weren’t finding on until tomorrow because I had several people I wanted to tell in person.

Fast forward to tonight and we had my work Christmas party! The person I had for “Secret Santa” is currently pregnant so I wrote in her card “From the other pregnant person at the table”! Anyways it was a fun surprise and I enjoyed seeing everyone’s smile! Then I got to tell my extended family and everyone else!

Sorry we lied, but I just wanted it to somewhat be a surprise since this whole process has been so public! Anyways, we are 5 weeks pregnant and due on August 19, 2015.  We do not know how many babies we are having, but we hope to find out soon! We are so very excited and blessed that God has selected us to be parents.  We pray over our snowflakes every day and we would appreciate it if you guys would too.  We know we are still early on in this pregnancy and lots of things can happen, but we ask for God’s hand to continue to hold our precious angels!

Now for the symptoms:  I am still cramping some during the day and I am incredibly sleepy! I have had a couple cravings (sausage balls the past two days), but nothing severe.  I am very thankful I have not had any morning sickness! We are still doing progesterone injections, progesterone suppositories, and estradiol patches until the end of the first trimester.  We go back to the doctor on December 31 to hear heartbeats and see exactly how many we’re having! Here’s to enjoying being pregnant and celebrating every blessing our heavenly Father has given us!!!