
So since Wednesday at 12 to today at 12 I have been on bedrest.  Let me start off by saying my original doctor insisted on 48 hours of bedrest with my pelvis slightly elevated, but the actual doctor that did our transfer (much younger doctor) said it was not necessary.  Well for me it was necessary.  There was no way I was going to continue my normal routine with little snowflakes swimming around my uterus hoping they would implant.  At 12 today I went to eat lunch with some friends then came back home to continue my bedrest.  I know the 48 hours were technically over, but I’m not chancing it.  I plan on taking it easy for the next several days to give our snowflakes plenty of time to get snuggly!  I am extremely thankful for Netflix, facebook, and pinterest!  I’ve also taken more selfies with our dog than anyone should know about.  My poor husband has received tons of pictures of us (the dog and me) making faces.

My mom came over yesterday to entertain me.  She brought me candy (lots of candy) and white chocolate covered oreos (my FAVORITE at Christmas).  I told her I need fruits and veggies right now not candy, but I ate it!  We watched Christmas movies, took naps, and ate.  It is a wonderful blessing to have a mom that lives so close and can take time out of her schedule to spend a day with me.  She did say I am easier to take care of than the grandbabies..I guess that’s a compliment!

Yesterday and some of today I have felt nauseous.  Not uncontrollably can’t handle it nauseous, but enough to irritate me.  I was able to drink some sprite, eat some crackers, and suck on some peppermints to make it go away.  This afternoon my temperature went up to 99.1.  Now I know you are all thinking, that is NOT a temperature, but for me it is.  I am normally 96.2 so at 99.1 I felt really warm.  I quickly called my nurse and left her a voicemail.  By the time she called me back I was crying some and explained I am super paranoid.  She completely understood and told me to take two tylenol and monitor my temp.  By about 6 it had gone down to 98.2 and I felt more comfortable.  I have had mild cramping (like period cramps, but not as severe) since Wednesday.  They aren’t consistent, but they are pretty frequent.  Today while getting ready to go to lunch I had two sharp cramps and got really paranoid.  I made myself lay down and ended up having to wear my hair curly because I didn’t have time to straighten it.  Tis life.  Thank God for curly hair.

For the first time since we had the procedure I flipped out thinking I was going to lose the babies.  I have felt pretty confident about this whole process.  I have felt like God is on our side, everything has gone perfectly, there is no reason why they wouldn’t implant, but Satan crept into my mind this afternoon and terrified the mess out of me!  My lovely sister reminded me to tell Satan to get behind me.  I have to remember that God does have a plan.  Maybe these embryos aren’t supposed to be our first born children, but no matter what everything will be ok because our heavenly Father is in control.  I wish I could let everyone experience the mixture of emotions you go through with infertility, but only for a minute because it is very overwhelming.  Should I be happy or sad? Should I start looking at baby stuff or wait? Should I touch my tummy and talk to them (because I totally have been)?  I know they can’t hear me yet, but I am their mommy and they will always be our “first snowflakes”.

Each day we get closer to finding out if they are growing like they should! Keep the prayers coming!!!! Here’s to the wonderful 2ww (two week wait)!

WE’RE PREGNANT (at least for now)!!!

Let me start off by saying I had the best night’s sleep last night that I have had in weeks.  I have no idea why I rested so well, but I am very thankful for it.  I woke up this morning extremely excited!!! We got ready and Ty took me to chik-fil-a for breakfast.  I became a little irritated about something (I can’t remember what anymore) and all Tyler had to say was “snowflake day” and I perked right back up! We made it to the doctor’s office 15 minutes before our appointment.  Once in the elevator I was jumping up and down with excitement.  I calmed myself down before walking in to the actual office because I didn’t want people to think I had totally lost my mind! They called me right back and took my blood then we went downstairs.  We checked in at the surgical center and waited for about 20 minutes before they called me back.

Side note: While we were waiting we were watching whatever news station was on and they did a segment on IVF!!! The lady they were interviewing talked about how it was her 4th attempt and she was happy to say she was 5 weeks pregnant! I took this as a sign it was going to be a good day!

Once we were called back they did my blood pressure and all that jazz and we changed into scrubs/gowns.  The nurse said, “Daddy there is your outfit”. Oh how my heart melted! Look how precious my Tyler looked in his scrubs!



Clearly we were VERY excited!!!!

Anyways the nurse came in and said my original doctor had been called into the operating room so they were going to call down another doctor from upstairs.  Well let me tell you I loved the lady they called down.  She had an excellent bedside manner and she seemed to understand all my emotions! They brought us this picture of our embryos…


Dr. Bailey said they are both excellent embryos.  She warned us that it is likely we will have twins possibly triplets.  I said “Whatever God wants”.  Tyler was a little more skeptical.  The doctor put it bluntly: “In two weeks would you be more upset if you are pregnant with twins or if you aren’t pregnant at all?”  Tyler quickly answered he preferred the twins!

After she finished answering all my questions we went into the operating room and she started prepping me.  The embryologist came in and let Tyler look at our babies in the microscope.  Then we watched on the ultrasound screen while they put them inside my uterus!  It was a surreal moment to say the least!  After she was finished I had to lay flat for 30 minutes before we could leave.  They brought us a picture of our snowflakes in my uterus…


We made it home around 1 and I’ve been resting ever since.  I have some slight cramping and I feel really tired, but overall I feel pretty good.  I cannot believe we are PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise).  We are so happy and blessed!  I would also like to thank every single person that has prayed for us and sent us messages during this process! We love you all!

We will continue to do progesterone injections at night and the estradiol patches for the next two weeks until pregnancy test time! Here’s to hoping our snowflakes implant and make my uterus home for the next 9 months!

Tomorrow people!!!!!!!

We are doing our frozen embryo transfer TOMORROW!!!!!!!

The embryologist called today!!! We have to arrive at 10 tomorrow to have my blood drawn then go to the surgical center to prepare for embryo transfer!!!! The actual procedure will begin at 11 am and last 5-10 minutes!!!  Then we will head home and my 48 hours of strict bed rest will begin. I am so excited I cannot stand it!!!!

This evening to prepare for tomorrow a dear friend from work came over and gave me a full body massage.  It was amazing and I did relax during it.  Then the doctor’s office called AGAIN and said I had to fill out all this STUPID paperwork which took forever and made me write over and over and over and over that we were infertile!!! Thank you for reminding me 80000 times why I am going to the hospital tomorrow! Oh and then it asked over and over are you sure you aren’t pregnant?  Well let me think….duh!!!!!! I was literally screaming at the computer therefore not relaxing at all!!!!  Ok rant over…

The purpose of this post is to beg (again) for everyone to pray for us tomorrow!!! Not just us, but everyone who is involved.  I have received all of your messages via text, facebook, phone calls, and blog comments! Thank you for prayers and keep them coming!  Our God has a plan and we pray it is for us to start a family with this cycle! After tomorrow we will be PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise).  I learned that term yesterday while reading a blog!!! I am so excited to be PUPO!!!!!!!

I am going to try and relax over the next two weeks and enjoy being pregnant for at least those two weeks! We have decided to call our embryos “snowflakes”.  It is becoming a popular phrase for frozen embryos and we (I) like the idea!  Tyler wants to call them “our babies”, but if you know me you know I like “cutesy” and “snowflakes” are a “cutesy” name!

Speaking of my precious Tyler, he is busy in the kitchen cutting up my pineapple for tomorrow and getting out the core so I can eat it! If you know me at all you know I have some serious issues when it comes to food, but if the core of a pineapple will help our “snowflakes” implant I’m going to try it!  I also picked up 100% pure pomegranate juice and Organic Red Raspberry Leaf Tea that I have been drinking the past couple days.  Anything to improve our chances!!!!

The following statement has really been on my mind lately. I would feel really bad if I go crazy on you for coming up and asking me if I am pregnant so here we go…

**Disclaimer: I would appreciate everyone to take into consideration our emotions during all this and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE (I DON’T CARE YOU ARE OR WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE) ask either one of us if we are pregnant!  I know that sounds harsh, but seriously people this stuff is hard on our emotions (specifically mine).  We will inform everyone of my blood levels when we are ready.  I have discussed this before in a previous post, but now that the procedure is less than 14 hours away I feel the need to remind everyone.

I feel really bad for even writing that, but I really don’t want to go crazy on somebody.  Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and kind words.  I clearly need to shut my computer down for the night because my emotions are all over the place. *Now you see what Tyler has endured for the past 4 months*

Take it before the Father.

Is it strange that it is easier for me to talk about all of this via my blog vs in person?? For the past several church services I have wanted to go forward to ask for prayers as we go through with transfer this week, but I can’t do it.  I don’t think I would be able to speak through the tears.  I don’t want people walking up to me and asking for the details.  I am so conflicted.  I want people to know because I am a firm believer in the power of prayer.  I believe that the more people that take us before the Father throughout this situation the better the outcome.  Tonight I just wanted to beg people to pray over us.  Pray over our embryos, my uterus, the doctors, nurses, my precious husband, everything.  Every time you think of us please say a prayer.  We have a long road ahead, but I believe the best is yet to come!!!  I’m sure I’ll post several updates this week since I will be laying in bed for 48 hours with my feet up! I’m still happy I get bathroom privileges, but I’m not sure if that means I can shower…I probably need to ask.

The actual procedure is only 5-10 minutes.  Crazy that our entire lives can change in 5-10 minutes.  I don’t know how to prepare myself mentally.  I am still repeating “Thy will be done” over and over.  I keep praying, “God I don’t care if it is 1, 2, 3, or 4 babies, but please please give us at least 1!!! Please make me a mommy”.  People have asked me multiple times, “Are you excited?”.  The answer…yes, but I’m cautious too.  Honestly I am every possible emotion.  It changes almost every second.  I thought it would be neat to have a little update from Tyler and how he is feeling about everything….

Tyler: Hello! Jenn just put the laptop in my hands and said “Here”, so here I am. I’m not big on discussing my feelings or opening up, but my perspective on everything is it sucks. Overall, I (like my wife) don’t like that we have to go through this. It is nothing like how I expected having children would be. I always pictured Jenn to pull some small stunt to surprise me with a pregnancy test and I would have my usually-level head get a little light with a rush of the different emotions. I quickly accepted the situation and I have been more proud of Jenn every day for handling it. As a guy, my emotions are pretty easily kept under a tight lid. But women… well… I know having children is something on their minds from nature and nurture, and the news to Jenn was devastating.  For this whole process, I lucked out by not having to do anything hard except give her injections in the back. I know it’s not fair for her to be the one to take all of the medicines. It makes having children seem more like one person’s job than a shared endeavor.

I tend to lose focus when I talk about things, so I’ll skip to recent events. How do I feel about transfer day: I am E, all of the above! I’m excited, nervous (I mean come on, we might end up with FOUR babies for our first-time family, if you’re not nervous, you need medical attention), scared, (whatever option D is), but most of all I’m positive. Every time Jenn asks if I think we’ll be pregnant I tell her, with no hesitation, yes. The nurses in her ultrasounds call her an “egg rockstar”. Everything that Jenn has had to do for the last 4 months has been perfect in one way or another, and I’m just sure that her body accepting the transfer will be just the same. I’ve been trying to bookmark scripture to help encourage Jenn when she needs to hear it. She’s been doing well the last couple weeks so instead I’m going to sneak one in here for her. I know she appreciates everyone who reads this and your thoughts and prayers, and I just wanted to say that I also appreciate your prayers for our family.

Romans 5:3-4 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

Well that left me in tears.  I cannot express how thankful and blessed I am to have a man like Tyler in my life.  God is good all the time.  Please continue to pray for us as we continue on the roller coaster of infertility.

Frozen Embryo Transfer!!!!!!

Today’s tests went well which means….Frozen Embryo Transfer is officially scheduled!!! I am so so so excited!!! We start progesterone injections, doxycycline, and something else tonight!!! My estrogen patches decreased from 8 to 4.

We got a new Super Kroger here in town. It just opened about two weeks ago. Ty and I went to check things out today and it’s awesome! We also picked up a very important purchase…

Supposedly if you eat pineapple after transfer it helps with implantation. Well I have my date for transfer, my pineapple, and lots of prayers so bring it on baby or babies 😉.


Let me start off by saying for the past year I knew that this Thanksgiving I would be thankful for our baby. I would be thankful for being a mother. At the very least I would be thankful to be pregnant with our child. Here it is Thanksgiving 2014 and I am not thankful for any of these things and at times that is a hard concept for me to grasp.
So what am I thankful for this year????
I am thankful for my husband and his support through all the crazy hormones, early doctor’s appointments, and financial obligations. I am thankful for a family that understands what we are doing and why we are doing it. I am thankful for insurance especially our fertility coverage. I am thankful for a good job with a supportive boss. I am thankful for Christian co-workers that pray for us. I am thankful for Christian friends that make sure we are doing ok! I am thankful for our church family. But mainly this year I am more thankful to God than I have ever been in my life. I am thankful He is in control, He has a plan, He is faithful, He loves us and cares about the desires of our hearts. I am very thankful that He has a plan for our future.
Tonight I experienced God touching me through some friends(more like sisters than friends but you get it) I have had for 26 years. They were telling me they were praying for me and would be throughout this next week and I jokingly said if you believe in laying your hands on people you can lay your hands on my uterus. *Disclaimer: I say awkward stuff often* anyways Laurie (the oldest of the 3) said lets not joke about it lets do it. Then they circled around me and prayed over my body. Laurie’s prayer was one of the most heartfelt and genuine prayers I have ever heard in my life. I have never felt the Holy Spirit touch my heart as I did while she prayed. It reminded me of this song: ‘Savior He can move the mountains our God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save’. These girls have a faith like you wouldn’t believe and I will never forget their prayer. *Yes I cried through the entire thing* Anyways I appreciate them and their prayers. Let’s add them to the list of things I’m thankful for. My sister in law snapped a picture of the prayer circle and I thought I would share it with yall.

God has a plan and that brings me so much comfort. He is listening to the prayers of so many and He is faithful!!! Please remember to pray for us, pray for God’s will to be done, and always remember all the glory goes to the Father! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!!!

Thy will be done…

Let me start off by saying I am ready to make it through a church service without crying. These stupid hormones have me hyper emotional and between the song service, prayers, and lesson I am bound to cry at least once. I’m not talking about a couple tears slipping out, I’m talking about having to use some major will power to keep myself from sobbing!!! That’s going to be my New Years resolution…make it through a church service without crying. Anyways…that’s not the point of my post for tonight…

Although I cannot tell you exactly what the point of the preacher’s lesson was tonight, I can tell you what God opened my heart up to. Preacher man told a story from 20 years ago about his earthly father praying over his very sick earthly mother. He told about how during the prayer his father struggled through his tears to pray ‘thy will be done’. Oh my word how that hit me right in the heart. One of the only ways I’ve been surviving this whole process is by praying, but lately I haven’t prayed ‘thy will be done’. I have been praying for the health of our embryos, for the doctors and nurses, for my body, etc. I have been so wrapped up in what I want, I have completely forgotten it’s not about what I want. As hard as it is for me to write and sometimes believe, if God’s will isn’t for us to be parents then that is what is best. God has a plan for our little family of two and maybe it’s for it to grow with children from my womb, but maybe it isn’t. Anyways as you continue to remember us in prayers over the next few weeks please remember ‘thy will be done’. Our Heavenly Father has a plan and I cannot wait to see what that plan is! To God be the glory!

PS. We are still continuing Lupron injections at night and have made it up to 6 estrogen patches! Our next doctor’s appointment is Friday and we are 11 days away from Frozen Embryo Transfer!!!!!!!!!!!

So emotional…

I hate pumping my body full of hormones.  I feel like a cow getting fattened up before they slaughter it!

Tonight I am feeling really emotional.  First of all these stupid estrogen patches give me migraines and make me feel terrible! I am currently waiting for my pain meds to kick in.  Now I am on pinterest looking at baby stuff… Sigh!

Mom asked me the other day to number my Christmas list so she would know what I want the most! Well what I want the MOST cannot be bought at any store!!! I want to be a Mommy!  I wish I could describe how badly I want to be a mommy… I want to have a baby to love and hold.  For now all I can do is ask for prayers.  I hope God answers our prayers this Christmas!

Beating myself up…

Tonight Tyler and I were in the ‘nursery’ praying for our babies and mid prayer it hit me!!! I forgot to do my injection at 8!!!! It was 9:30 at the time! The only instructions they gave me about my injection was to pick a time and be consistent!!! Of course I messed that up!!!! Now I’m paranoid the 1.5 hour will be enough time for my egg to drop and start making its way to my uterus totally messing up our frozen embryo transfer!!!!!! Why did I rely on my forgetful brain to remember to take it??? Why did I turn off the alarm on my phone bc I thought I could remember??? I CAN’T REMEMBER ANYTHING THESE DAYS!!!! I left my phone at home yesterday morning and at a local restaurant this afternoon. If you know me I’m never far away from my phone and I totally walked off without it!!! Ugh!!!! Ok I’m done beating myself up about it for now! I’ll probably call the doctor in the morning just to make sure I haven’t ruined everything!!! Dramatic much? Yeah maybe!!! You pay thousands of dollars and wait and wait and wait to get pregnant then see if you’d freak out for forgetting your meds!!! I’m going to bed!!!


As I laid here tonight begging God to make me a mommy and praying that our precious embryos are healthy and strong, a thought came to mind… THIS IS MY LAST FULL WEEK OF WORK BEFORE EMBRYO TRANSFER!!!!!!!!!!!! Next week we’ll be out part of the week for Thanksgiving and the week after that two of our embryos will be put back inside of me!!!! Tears and every emotion imaginable!!!!!!! I pray this is God’s plan!!! I pray it works! I pray for His will to be done and for me to trust and accept His will! To God be the glory!!!